Duke has launched a Tableau Server site to provide a single location for Deans, Directors, Department Heads, Executives, and other Staff of the university. All faculty and staff can view the dashboards by providing their university login credentials.
Duke staff wishing to access a specific dashboard created by the Office of the University Registrar must email our office (tableau-registrar@duke.edu, anna.kourouniotis@duke.edu).
The Student Information Services and Systems (SISS) office and the Administrative Systems Management (ASM) group jointly manage Tableau at Duke. OIT supports the IT infrastructure for the Tableau Server.
For information about the use of Tableau at Duke, please check out the Tableau Governance section.
The following is a list of Duke Tableau server-hosted workbooks with user permissions that are regularly updated by our office.
Academic Advising Center Exit Survey at Major Declaration
When Trinity College of Arts & Sciences students declare their major they are asked to complete a brief survey about their experience with their academic advisor. The AAC uses these results to learn how the advising system is serving students overall and where we need to improve. Individual advisors can learn how their advisees experienced the advising relationship and identify aspects of their advising practice to strengthen. This data workbook uses netID to present each advisors’ survey results to them.
Academic Plans, Enrollments, and Demographics
This data workbook was created at the request on the Trinity College Arts & Sciences Committee on Curriculum and has been extended to include all programs. It summarizes final academic plans by graduating class for undergraduate and graduate students. Also included are enrollment seats by subject as well as some student attribute data (e.g. sex, race/ethnicity, first- or continuing-generation status). Department users with access to the Watermark platform will also have access to this data workbook.
Course Evaluation Historical Data (Department View)
Course Evaluation Historical Data (Instructor View)
This data workbook is a compilation of historical course evaluation data for Trinity College of Arts & Sciences (Spring 2006 - present) and Pratt College of Engineering (Fall 2021 - present). Over these time periods, course evaluation questionnaires and the platforms for collecting and reporting course evaluation data have fluctuated, and graduate level evaluations were not added until later in these timeframes. Department users with access to Watermark Course Evaluations and Surveys will also have access to this data workbook. Instructors can access this dashboard with their netID.
Duke News & Communications International Student Enroll
The dashboard illustrates international student body representation across the world. Created exclusively for Duke News & Communications.
Arts & Sciences Enrollment Factbook
This data workbook includes information on Duke student enrollment in the Graduate and Undergraduate Schools of Arts & Sciences since 2010 onwards. Data captures Fall and Spring term activations (Fall being the start of an academic year) for academic plans. The data captures academic career, primary program for the term, plan and selective demographic information (self-reported by students) as it resides in the database and without any manipulation. Data is updated bi-annually.
Divinity School Enrollment Factbook
This data workbook includes information on Duke student enrollment in the Divinity School since 2010 onwards. Data captures Fall and Spring term activations (Fall being the start of an academic year) for academic plans. The data captures academic career, primary program for the term, plan and selective demographic information (self-reported by students) as it resides in the database and without any manipulation. Data is updated bi-annually.
Graduate/Professional Enrollment Factbook
Duke Graduate and/or Professional student enrollment from 2010 onward. Includes student totals based on actual enrollment in class(es) and not census snapshot data. Including Fall and Spring regular terms only for unique headcount; duplicate students exist if they are active in multiple careers, but they are counted uniquely per year. Master’s and PhD degree plans included; excluding certificates and non-degree credentials.
Nicholas School of the Environment Enrollment Factbook
This data workbook includes information on Duke student enrollment in the Nicholas School of the Environment since 2010 onwards. Data captures Fall and Spring term activations (Fall being the start of an academic year) for academic plans. The data captures academic career, primary program for the term, plan and selective demographic information (self-reported by students) as it resides in the database and without any manipulation. Data is updated bi-annually.
Sanford School of Public Policy Enrollment Factbook
This data workbook includes information on Duke student enrollment in the School of Public Policy since 2010 onwards. Data captures Fall and Spring term activations (Fall being the start of an academic year) for academic plans. The data captures academic career, primary program for the term, plan and selective demographic information (self-reported by students) as it resides in the database and without any manipulation. Data is updated bi-annually.
Student Enrollment in French Classes
Data visualizations include student enrollment in FRENCH 203, 204, and/or 300 level classes; the base population includes those students who enrolled in FRENCH 203 and shows how many skipped the recommended FRENCH 204 before advancing onto a higher course. Created exclusively for the Romance Studies Department.
Tracking grade request submission information as retrieved from the PeopleSoft/DukeHub information system. The data includes the new grade change request process. This dashboard is updated weekly, typically every Monday.
Grade Submission Tracker Final Grades
Missing grades report for all students. Created exclusively for Directors and Assistant Directors of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Grade Submission Tracker Mid-term Grades
Missing grades report for first year and transfer students, along with dual degree undergrads at Duke campus. Created exclusively for Directors and Assistant Directors of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies.
Long dashboard illustrating the profile of the Graduate/Professional Student Athlete in comparison with their non-athlete peers enrolled in similar programs.
Workbook includes multiple dashboards in a story line that display course enrollment information along with detailed student program level data across time. Data is refreshed manually on the last date of withdrawal of every term on the Graduate School calendar.
IPEDS 12-Month Enrollment Report
Single Story style dashboard including the enrollment counts for the 12-month enrollment IPEDS report.
Language Related Experiences and Outcomes
These dashboards focus on student engagement with the foreign language curriculum at Duke, showing how these patterns of engagement—with respect to language courses, study away, and language-intensive academic plans—relate to students' backgrounds and outcomes. Built in response to language program stakeholders and undergraduate curriculum leadership needs, these dynamic visualizations allow users to answer questions around the relationship between the type, location, and timing of study away programs and students’ language engagement pathways. A most recent update expanded the range of the data with graduation statistics, new data points and more comprehensive information for non-Duke study away programs developed in collaboration with the Global Education Office. Contact the Office of University Assessment at assessment@duke.edu for more information.
This data workbook includes information on Duke student enrollment in Master's level programs since 2010 onwards. Data captures Fall and Spring term activations (Fall being the start of an academic year) for academic plans. The data captures academic career, primary program for the term, plan and selective demographic information (self-reported by students) as it resides in the database and without any manipulation.
Study Abroad Student Enrollment Trends
The dashboards illustrate student enrollment trends over time for those Duke University degree-seeking undergraduates who participated in a Duke-approved study away program both domestically and abroad. The data spans academic years 2012-onwards.
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Academic Pathways through the Major
You may be curious about the combinations of classes undergraduate students enroll in over their 8 semesters at Duke. This data workbook provides a picture of enrollment patterns across multiple graduating classes students. Contact the Office of University Assessment at assessment@duke.edu for more information.
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Graduates by the Numbers
This dashboard supports the Office of Trinity Communications in reporting undergraduate completion data. Data is refreshed yearly, upon request.
Trinity College of Arts & Sciences Program Level Student Information
The tables in this data workbook represent multiple years of information to Trinity College of Arts & Sciences program administrators about their graduates, primarily student demographics and engagement with high impact practices (i.e., study away, graduation with distinction, or participation in Focus). Department users with access to Watermark Course Evaluations and Surveys will also have access to this data workbook.
Dashboard illustrating the number of undergraduate students who potentially need to take Writing 101 in a future term. Created exclusively for the Thompson Writing Program.
This dashboard provides a list of courses that have been transferred from external institutions to Duke University. It is a tool for evaluating which credits an Undergraduate student may bring to Duke or which classes may transfer. The course equivalencies are for information purposes only and subject to change due to revisions in course offerings at the external institutions and at Duke. For information about specific transfer policy, please refer to existing student resources and the Undergraduate bulletins. Data is updated yearly.
Undergraduate Student Athlete Academic and Co-Curricular Engagement
Created for the Academic Committee of the Athletics Council, this provides users with data to consider student athlete’s engagement with academic and co-curricular experiences. Access is provided to members of the Academic Committee and Duke Leadership. Contact the Office of University Assessment at assessment@duke.edu for more information.
Undergraduate Study Abroad Courses
The dashboards illustrate course history for those Duke University degree-seeking undergraduates who participated in a Duke-approved study away program both domestically and abroad. The data spans academic years 2012-2019.
The data includes currently active, degree-seeking undergraduates at Duke who will be graduating in a specific academic year and may be eligible for the Nakayama scholarship. Created exclusively for the Duke University Office of University Scholars & Fellows.