- Enrollment Snapshots
All data are sourced from university census date extracts (captured on the fourth Friday from the start of classes and only for the Fall and Spring semesters). The data depicted in this tool reflect student enrollments (student load >= 0.001 units) in Duke University and/or Duke Kunshan course sections only. Please note that the enrollment information for School of Medicine programs may be found on the School of Medicine facts and figures page, https://medschool.duke.edu/about-us/facts-figures. Student enrollment data found herein are compiled by the Office of the University Registrar. For the Common Data Set, please refer to the information found on the site of the Office of Institutional Research. - Student Enrollment
This dashboard shows actual enrollment by school (career), credential classification (master's, bachelor's, doctorate, etc.), academic or fiscal year, and term. Enrollment headcount is based on final enrollment and not a snapshot in time (census date). School of Medicine enrollment is not included. - Modes of Instruction
These dashboards provide our community and the public with data about the instruction modes of classes that have been taught in all the schools within our institution since 2012 onward. Data is updated yearly. - Undergraduates Studying Abroad
The information included spans multiple academic years. Data includes course enrollment or accepted transfers for undergraduate level (degree-seeking only) students who studied away/abroad from Duke University, including both domestic and foreign programs (aka study agreements). All Duke-In, Non-Duke Study Away, and approved exchange programs, as they were assigned to each student, are included. For the purposes of this visualization, programs under DukeEngage and Beaufort are excluded. Data is updated annually and includes all term types, i.e. Fall, Spring, Summer and/or Winter.
Degree Completion
- Unique Graduates by year (1980 onward)
Data includes unique Duke graduates by completion year from 1980 onwards. Graduates who received more than one degree in more than a single year are counted twice, once per individual year. Graduates who received multiple degrees in a single year are only counted once. The numbers on the graph in thousands. Hover over each data point to view the whole number. - Degree Completions (degrees and majors awarded)
Learn about Duke's student graduation. These dashboards provide our community and the public with data on degree completion for all the schools within our institution. Data is updated yearly. - Duke Undergraduate Profile
Ever wonder what the undergraduate profile looks like? See yourself in Duke's most recent undergraduate class. This data explores which college entrance exams Duke Students take, which major they declare, and ultimately what they end up graduating with.
Demographic Distribution
- Ethnicity Trends
Data includes the distribution of ethnic groups over time. Percentages represent all Duke University students who have self-disclosed their ethnicities. Timeline includes Fall term enrollment data as the beginning of the Duke academic year as well as yearly trends. Data is updated yearly.
Honors & Recognitions
- Class Rank
Individual class rankings for undergraduate students were last calculated for Fall 2013. Beginning with the Spring 2014 term class rank percentiles have been calculated by term and made available on our office's web page. Class rank percentiles are derived by calculating the cumulative grade point average (GPA) of students and comparing them with students sharing the same class standing. The maximum cumulative grade point average is 4.000. Class is defined by those students sharing the same or approximate expected date of graduation. Class for each term is specifically identified beneath the class rank percentile chart.