JUMP TO: Trinity, Pratt & Professional Students | Graduate School StudentsGraduation Contacts by School

Students in their last term will be made eligible to apply for graduation. Once notified by your school, follow the steps below that apply to you.

If you have already submitted your application and need to change your degree name and/or address, please update that information in your DukeHub account.

Trinity, Pratt & Professional Students

1. Navigate to Academics in DukeHub.

  • Click on the Apply for Graduation form to begin.
Screenshot of DukeHub Student Dashboard with an arrow pointing to Apply for/View Graduation in the Academics section.
  • Select Apply for Graduation button.
Screenshot of Apply for/View Graduation screen in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the Apply for Graduation button.
  • Select your academic Program from the available options. Then select your expected graduation Term and click the Apply button.
Screenshot of Apply for/View Graduation screen in DukeHub with arrows pointing to the Program dropdown, the Term dropdown, and the Apply button.
  • Confirm your graduation application by selecting the Apply button and review the Graduation Details instructions.
Screenshot of the Confirm Application popup in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the Apply button.
Screenshot of the Graduation Details page in DukeHub.

2. Navigate to My Profile to enter or revise your Degree name and address.

Degree Name

  • Click on Biographical Info to enter or revise your degree name.
  • Degree name will appear exactly as shown on your diploma and graduation materials.
Screenshot of Apply for/View Graduation screen in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the Biographical Information button under My Profile.
  • Under Add Name select Degree.
  • Enter your Degree name and select Save.
  • First and last names are required fields; the middle name may be left blank if desired.
Screenshot of Biographical Info page in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the word Degree in the Add Name dropdown.
Screenshot of Biographical Info Names page in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the Save button.
Screenshot of Biographical Info page in DukeHub with a box around Degree Name field.

Optional: Add Phonetic name to provide pronunciation instructions for your name. This will be visible only to graduation staff; it will not be printed on your diploma or appear in any graduation publications.

Degree Address

  • Click on Contact Info to enter or revise your degree address.
  • Under Add Address select Degree.
  • Enter your Degree address and select Save.

If you will not be attending your graduation ceremony, your diploma will be sent to your designated degree address.

Screenshot of Contact Info page in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the word Degree in the Add Address dropdown.
Screenshot of Contact Info Addresses page in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the Save button.
Screenshot of Contact Info page in DukeHub with a box around Degree address field.
  • Once the Degree name and address has been entered, please verify the information is listed in the View Graduation Details section.
Screenshot of Apply for/View Graduation screen in DukeHub with an arrow pointing to the View Graduation Details button.

Graduate School Students

  1. Navigate to Academics in DukeHub.
  2. Select Program/Degree Selection (see highlighted item in image below)

The application includes a list of academic programs for which you are eligible to apply.

Screenshot of DukeHub menu with Program/Degree Selection link highlighted

Graduation Contacts by school

SchoolName of ContactEmail
Divinity SchoolDeb Hackneydhackney@div.duke.edu
Fuqua School of BusinessSharon Campen
Leanne Stepanovich
The Graduate SchoolHelene McAdams
John Klingensmith
Nicholas School of the EnvironmentErika Lovelacee.love@duke.edu
Pratt School of Engineering (undergraduate)Tarina Argesetarina.argese@duke.edu
Pratt School of Engineering (graduate)Cherie Creten
Bridget Kerwin
Sanford School of Public PolicyAnita Lyonanita.lyon@duke.edu
School of LawTracy Soderbergsoderberg@law.duke.edu
School of MedicineMarcie Ellis
Lori Crooks
School of NursingBebe Millsbebe.mills@duke.edu
Trinity School of Arts & SciencesTrinity Graduation Stafftrinity_graduation@duke.edu
Duke Kunshan University (Engineering)Cherie Creten
Bridget Kerwin
Duke Kunshan University (Fuqua)Leanne Stepanovichleanne.stepanovich@duke.edu
Duke Kunshan University (The Graduate School)Helene McAdamshelene.mcadams@duke.edu
Duke Kunshan University (NSOE/Sanford)IMEP Coordinatorimep@dukekunshan.edu.cn