Courses taken prior to matriculation at Duke, as well as credit earned at another institution, or while on non-Duke study away programs have the potential to be transferred to a student's Duke academic record. It is very important that students read all applicable policies and follow all established procedures in order for the university to consider the applicability of the courses against the Duke student record.

Information about Advanced Placement credit (including AP, IB, and IPC) is available here.

College credit earned at another institution of higher education while enrolled as a high school student may qualify as credit that can be transferred to Duke. Duke policy requires that a student provide the following documentation in support of a request to transfer college-level work completed prior to high school graduation:

  1. Transcripts: An official transcript bearing the Registrar's seal, or its equivalent, from the college or university.
  2. Course Descriptions: Detailed course descriptions or syllabi for all courses taken to enable course evaluation.
  3. College/University Confirmation: Confirmation from the college or university that the courses were
    a) taught on the college or university campus and not at an off-campus location,
    b) taught by a regular member of the college or university faculty,
    c) taken in competition with degree candidates of the college or university, and
    d) offered as a regular part of the curriculum of the college or university.
    (Provide the Prematriculation Credit College form for completion by the college or university.)
  4. High School Confirmation: Confirmation from the high school principal or guidance counselor that the course(s) were not used to satisfy high school graduation requirements.
    (Provide the Prematriculation Credit High School form for completion by your high school.)

All supporting documentation for students admitted to the Pratt School of Engineering or the Trinity College of Arts & Sciences should be submitted to:

Office of the University Registrar
1121 W. Main Street, Suite 1200
Duke University
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 684-2813

Additional Policies
  • Courses taken after the commencement of the junior year of high school in which you received a grade of B- or better DO TRANSFER if there is a Duke equivalent course.
  • Courses taken prior to the commencement of the junior year of high school DO NOT TRANSFER.
  • Courses taken by correspondence (i.e. online) DO NOT TRANSFER.
    COVID-19 Exception: Pre-matriculation credits which students took at colleges and universities prior to attending Duke may be earned from online courses if taken during the COVID-19 pandemic (Spring 2020-Summer 2021) provided they were courses which are normally taught face-to-face. All other policies for pre-matriculation credits apply. 
  • Study Abroad Program courses completed prior to matriculation at Duke DO NOT TRANSFER.
  • English composition courses DO NOT TRANSFER (Duke's University Writing course is required of all students).
  • Mathematics courses below calculus DO NOT TRANSFER; calculus courses must be at the Duke level to transfer.
  • A maximum of two courses taken by extension may transfer.
  • Prematriculation credits are not given Area of Knowledge or Mode of Inquiry codes and may not be used to fulfill curriculum requirements or continuation requirements.

Students who are interested in participating in study abroad programs should contact Global Education for Undergraduate Students.

Not all Duke graduate/professional schools grant transfer credit. Consult with your school for policies and procedures regarding transfer credit.

If you are considering taking a course at another college or university and hope to transfer it to your Duke academic record, read the information on transfer credit as found in Trinity's T-Reqs or Pratt's Policies and Procedures before confirming your plans.

Once you have confirmed your intention to move forward, do the following:

  • Pick up a "Tentative Approval of Courses" form from your Academic Dean.
  • Assemble supporting documentation:
    1. an official description of the course(s) you propose to take
    2. a copy of the course schedule bulletin from the institution you will be attending that clearly indicates the meeting times and days for the course, along with a copy of the academic calendar
  • Secure approval of content by presenting the "Tentative Approval of Courses" form and the assembled supporting documentation to the appropriate Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) for their review. The DUS will sign the form if the content of the course is deemed equivalent to a Duke course.
  • Bring the signed "Tentative Approval of Courses" form, along with the supporting documentation, to your academic dean's office. The dean will review your materials to ensure that the course is equivalent to a Duke "semester course credit" and will specify the amount of credit that can be transferred to Duke upon completion of the course. *When your academic dean signs the "Tentative Approval of Courses" form, the pre-approval process is complete.
  • Complete the approved course(s) at the visited institution and arrange for the visited institution to send an official electronic or hard-copy transcript directly to the Office of the University Registrar. Hard copies must be sent in a sealed envelope.
  • You must earn a C- or better to receive Duke credit for work completed at another US university. Your grade, however, will not be recorded at Duke and will not be included in your GPA.

For a more detailed look at transfer credit and the various forms needed, go to Pratt Policies & Procedures or Trinity T-Reqs.

If you plan on studying abroad, contact the Global Education Office for Undergraduates.

If you took college courses in your junior or senior year of high school and want them to be on your Duke record, read the information regarding Prematriculation Credit to see what is required.