JUMP TO: Adding a Section (Detailed Instructions) | Rules for Specific Classes | Additional CLSS Tips & Features

Departments use CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS, pronounced “class”) to submit scheduling requests to the Office of the University Registrar (OUR). The OUR then updates the data in DukeHub. CLSS tracks scheduling requests and checks for compliance with Duke's Course Schedule Policy.

Read on to learn how to schedule your department's classes in CLSS. If you have a question not covered in this help guide, or have a suggestion of content to add, email class-scheduling@duke.edu.

CLSS Basics & FAQs

Basic Steps

CLSS access is restricted to those who are responsible for scheduling their department's classes. Typically, this is a DUSA, DGSA, DUS, or DGS - although it varies among departments.

If you need to request CLSS access for the first time, complete this OUR Access Request form.

We will schedule a virtual training with you to ensure you are ready to start using the site. Then, we will grant you access to make edits to your schedule in CLSS. Although users can see all schedules, you are only able to edit the schedules you have access to.

Use this link to sign in: https://courseleaf.dukehub.duke.edu/wen

Log in using your Duke credentials. Important messages from OUR will be displayed in the purple box at the top of the page.

Choose the instance (term) you want to work on.

Screenshot of CLSS homepage. An arrow points to the link to the 2023 Fall Term.

Double click the Unit ID for your department. The Search bar will search with the ID or Name fields.

Screenshot of the list of Scheduling Units in CLSS. Arrows point to the Art & Art History Department link and the Search field.
Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. The number 1 points to the text 2023 Fall Term in the top navigation. The number 2 points to the number of courses and the Plan Phase and Design Mode designations. The number 3 points to the text "(Non-owned Course)" in a course title. The number 4 points to the checkbox called Show courses with no sections.
  1. The top navigation shows the term you are working in and the department. Click the term to return to the list of departments. Click CourseLeaf/CLSS to return to the CLSS homepage. 
  2. The next line shows how many courses you have scheduled, and how many individual sections are scheduled. These numbers include non-owned courses.
    Next, you will see what Phase and Mode your schedule is in. If your schedule is in Design Mode, it hasn't been sent to DukeHub yet.
  3. Each course show the subject and catalog number and the long title. Some courses will say either (Owned Course) or (Non-owned Course). These are crosslisted courses. If it says (Non-owned Course), you don't need to edit them.
  4. Check the Show courses with no sections box to see all active courses in the catalog. The homescreen only shows courses that have already been scheduled.

Double-click on a course to view all scheduled sections. You will see section number, component, instructor, meeting pattern, topic title, and crosslists. If the crosslists start with "See," that means another department owns it. If the crosslists start with "Also," that means your department owns it.

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. Two courses are expanded to show the scheduled sections, including section number, course component, instructor (blurred), meeting pattern, topic title, and crosslists.

Double-click a section to view or edit an existing class.

Click the green plus to the right of a course to add a new section.

Click the green plus to the right of a course to add a new section.

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. A class is expanded, and an arrow points to the Add a Section green plus icon.

The Create Section popup will appear.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. Numbers point to each field on the popup: 1 to Title/Topic; 2 to Section #; 3 to Location; 4 to Instruction Mode; 5 to Consent; 6 to Grading Basis; 7 to Crosslists; 8 to Session; 9 to Custom Dates; 10 to Credit/Unit; 11 to Status; 12 to Component; 13 to Link To; 14 to Section Attributes; 15 to Instructor; 16 to Room; 17 to Schedule; 18 to Enrollment; 19 to Notes; 20 to Comments to Registrar.

Details for completing each field are below under Adding a Section (Detailed Instructions).

If you are submitting a schedule for the first time, you must click Validate to submit your schedule. The Class Scheduling team will not see your schedule unless you complete this step.

You do not need to validate your schedule after the first submission.

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the Validate button.

Once CLSS runs its rule validation process, you will see a button called Start Workflow. Click it to send your schedule to the Class Scheduling Team.


The department homescreen only shows classes that have already been scheduled for a term. To view all available courses in the course catalog, click Show courses with no sections.

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage with no classes scheduled. An arrow points to the checkbox called Show courses with no sections.
Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the checkbox called Show courses with no sections. The checkbox is now checked, and all available courses are shown.

If you still don't see it, it may not be in the catalog. If you recently submitted a course request, check the Course Request System to see if the Status is Registrar - Processed. You should see courses in CLSS the day after they have been processed.

Screenshot of a course request in the Course Request System. Highlighted text says Registrar-Processed and the date that it was processed.

If it was added to the catalog over one day ago and it doesn't show when you check Show courses with no sections, email class-scheduling@duke.edu.

The dropdown list of instructors only show those assigned to your department in DukeHub. If they are not in the dropdown, click Other... and search again. This will search all instructors at Duke.

Instructors must be added to the instructor/advisor table. If this is the first time they are teaching, submit a New Instructor/Advisor Request form.

When you submit your schedule (Design Mode) and every time you save a class after that (Refine Mode), CLSS a rule validation process to ensure your schedule to compliant with Duke's Course Schedule Policy.

Screenshot of Validation popup in CLSS. Five notices are shown: Warning: Instructor Conflict; Error: Enrollment Cap; Error: Wait List Cap; Workflow: First Submission; Workflow: Comment.

There are three types of rules: Error, Warning, and Workflow.

  • Error - Designated by a red circle with a horizontal line in it. These rules must be fixed before you can save or submit.
  • Warning - Designated by a yellow circle with an exclamation point in it. These rules are FYI only, and will not prevent you from saving or submitting.
  • Workflow - Designated by a blue circle with people in it. These rules ensure that the Class Scheduling Team sees what you submit before it goes to DukeHub. These may be items we manually process, or fields that we need to approve first.

CLSS has two modes: Design Mode and Refine Mode.

Your schedule will be in Design Mode when you first start working on a semester, all the way up until you submit it to us for the first time. In Design Mode, you add all your classes and make unlimited changes before you submit it. None of your classes are actually in DukeHub yet; they only live in CLSS.

Once we receive and process your first-round submission, your schedule will flip to Refine Mode.

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the information at the top of the page, which says Plan Phase and Design Mode.
Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the information at the top of the page, which says Publish Phase and Refine Mode.

CLSS has several phases: Plan, Room Assignment, Publish, Instructor Update, Locked, and Archive.

Unlike Modes, all schedules must be in the same Phase at the same time. They are controlled at the university level, not the department level.

  • Plan Phase - CLSS starts in Plan Phase, during which changes to all fields are permitted. Plan Phase lasts until Shopping Carts Open.
  • Room Assignment Phase - Room Assignment Phase is used to temporarily limit changes while we run the Room Optimizer. Room Assignment Phase typically lasts less than one day; CLSS is then returned to Plan Phase.
  • Publish Phase - CLSS flips to Publish Phase when the schedule is visible to students. After this time, sections can't be deleted (only cancelled), and Section Attributes can't be edited.
  • Instructor Update Phase - CLSS flips to Instructor Update Phase after Drop/Add. After this time, sections can't be created or deleted. The only editable fields are Title/Topic, Status, Instructor, and Comments to Registrar.
  • Locked Phase - No edits are permitted. Locked Phase is used for past terms.
  • Archived Phase - No edits are permitted, and CLSS no longer checks DukeHub for updates to these terms.
Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the information at the top of the page, which says Plan Phase and Design Mode.
Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the information at the top of the page, which says Publish Phase and Refine Mode.

Adding a Section (Detailed Instructions)

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. Numbers point to each field on the popup: 1 to Title/Topic; 2 to Section #; 3 to Location; 4 to Instruction Mode; 5 to Consent; 6 to Grading Basis; 7 to Crosslists; 8 to Session; 9 to Custom Dates; 10 to Credit/Unit; 11 to Status; 12 to Component; 13 to Link To; 14 to Section Attributes; 15 to Instructor; 16 to Room; 17 to Schedule; 18 to Enrollment; 19 to Notes; 20 to Comments to Registrar.

The Title/Topic field defaults to the course's long title. This field should only be edited for special topics and independent studies.

If the course has a topic title, click to dropdown menu to view previously used titles. If the title you need is in the list, select it.

If it's not in the list, click Other... at the bottom. Enter the topic title in all caps. There is a 30-character limit.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 1 points to the Title/Topic field. The dropdown is open, and the mouse is hovering over the Other… selection at the bottom of the list.
Screenshot of the Title/Topic popup in CLSS. The text "EXAMPLE TOPIC TITLE" is entered in the textbox in all caps.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The entered topic title now appears in the Title/Topic field.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 2 points to the Section # field.

The section number automatically defaults to the next available number, but it does not automatically format if a special format is required. Duke's section number guidelines are as follows:

  • Standalone class (lecture, seminar, independent study, etc.): 01, 02, ..., 10, 11
  • Lecture or seminar with an attached lab or discussion: 001, 002, ..., 010, 011
  • Lab section: 01L, 02L, ..., 10L, 11L
  • Discussion section: 01D, 02D, ..., 10D, 11D
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 3 points to the Location field, and the dropdown is open to show the location options.

Location defaults to Duke University (Durham). Location should only be changed if you are scheduling a Marine Lab, online, or study away course.

  • At Duke: Duke University (Durham)
  • Marine Lab: Duke University (Beaufort)
  • Online: Duke University (Online)
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 4 points to the Instruction Mode field, and the dropdown is open to show the instruction options.

Instruction Mode defaults to In Person. This field should only be changed if the class is not in person.

  • In Person - Default instruction mode. All students meet fully in person.
  • Online - All students are fully remote. No in-person meetings, but there are regularly scheduled meetings held online.
  • Online and On Campus - Some meetings will be in person, some meetings will be online (for example, Mondays in person, Wednesdays remote).
  • Asynchronous Online - All students are fully remote, and there are no scheduled class meetings. A meeting pattern should not be scheduled.
  • Study Away - For study away courses. Should only be used administratively.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 5 points to the Consent field, and the dropdown is open to show the consent options.

Consent defaults to the approved catalog value. The field can only be changed if the approved catalog value is Department Consent Required or Instructor Consent Required.

  • No Special Consent Required - Permission number not required to enroll
  • Department Consent Required - Permission number is required to enroll. Students to contact their department for the number.
  • Instructor Consent Required - Permission number is required to enroll. Students to contact their instructor for the number.

If you want to limit enrollment but the approved catalog value is No Special Consent Required, you can either:

  1. Submit a course request to make consent required.
  2. Use prerequisites or reserves to limit enrollment.

Grading Basis is visible, but can't be changed in CLSS. Submit a course request to change the grading basis.

For permanent courses, this field will show the hardcoded crosslists in the catalog. They cannot be changed.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 7 points to the Crosslists field, where two classes are listed.
Special Topics Crosslists

You can add crosslists to special topics courses. This should only be used after a Course Request has been submitted and signed by all departments. Click Select Courses..., search for the courses to crosslist, then click Accept.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 7 and an arrow points to the Crosslists field, where a link says "Select Courses…"
Screenshot of Select Courses popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the search dropdown field, where the course ROMST 89S has been entered and selected.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The crosslists field now lists ROMST 89S as a crosslist below the "Select Courses…" link.

Session defaults to Regular Academic Session. Session should only be changed in three cases:

  • Graduate summer courses - Can choose Extended Summer Session, which runs the whole summer
  • Marine Lab summer courses - Select Beaufort Session
  • Divinity schedule - Choose between Divinity Residential and Divinity Hybrid

Custom Dates should only be entered if they differ from the session dates. If the class has multiple meeting patterns with different dates, enter the custom dates in the Schedule section.

The Credit/Unit field defaults to the catalog value. This field can only be edited if it is variable credit. You may set it to a fixed number by entering the same number in each box.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 10 points to the Credit/Unit field, which reads "1 to 3."
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Credit/Unit field, where the 1 has been replaced with a 3 and now reads "3 to 3."
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The Credit/Unit field have collapsed into one field and now says "3."

Status defaults to Active. If the class is being cancelled, change to Cancelled Section. If students are enrolled, you must also add a comment to confirm that students have been notified of the cancellation by the department or instructor.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 11 points to the Status field, and the dropdown is open to show the status options: Active and Cancelled Section.

Component is used when scheduling multi-component courses. Schedule the primary component (lecture or seminar) first. Then, add a new section. In the dropdown, you will now be able to select the secondary component.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 12 points to the Component field, and the dropdown is open to show the component options for this class: Lecture and Discussion.

On the CLSS department homescreen, multi-component courses will show a line connecting the lecture to the discussion.

Screenshot of a linked Lecture and Discussion course on the CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the line that shows the sections are linked.

Link To is used when scheduling multi-component courses. Schedule the primary component (lecture or seminar) first. Then, add a new section and change the component. In the Link To dropdown, you will now be able to select the primary section it is linked to.

For example, you might schedule two lecture sections (001 and 002) and four discussion sections (01D, 02D, 03D, 04D). You might link 01D and 02D to 001 (students who enroll in 01D or 02D are automatically enrolled in 001) and 03D and 04D to 002 (students who enroll in 03D or 04D are automatically enrolled in 002).

If you want a student to be able to match any lecture to any discussion (a student could enroll in 001 and 04D), select Any enrollment section. This option should only be used in this case.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 13 points to the Link To field, and the dropdown is open to show the link to options for this class.

On the CLSS department homescreen, multi-component courses will show a line connecting the lecture to the discussion.

Screenshot of a linked Lecture and Discussion course on the CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the line that shows the sections are linked.

Section Attributes are inherited from the catalog or schedule and will automatically appear after scheduling a class. Schedulers have one option in this field, which is to add the No S/U code.

Click the pencil icon to the right. Click the green + button in the Section Attributes popup window. Then, select "Registration Considerations: Graded only. S/U not allowed." Click Accept.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 14 points to the Section Attributes section, and an arrow points to the pencil icon next to it.
Screenshot of Section Attributes popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Add Attribute green plus icon.
Screenshot of Section Attributes popup in CLSS. The dropdown is open and the only option is "Registration Considerations: Graded only. S/U not allowed."
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The selected section attribute now appears under the Section Attributes section.

The instructor field defaults to Duke's placeholder "Departmental Staff" instructor. To add an instructor, click the pencil icon. Click the Instructor dropdown, and select Other... Enter the instructor's first or last name, or their Employee ID.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 15 points to the Instructor Section, and an arrow points to the pencil icon next to it.
Screenshot of Instructors popup in CLSS. The search dropdown field is open and an arrow points to the "Other…" option.


Screenshot of Instructors popup in CLSS. The search dropdown field is open with the surname "burig" typed in. An arrow points to the correct instructor shown in the dropdown.

Select Role and Roster Access. Graders and Teaching Assistants can only have Grade access. Next, choose whether the instructor should Print on the schedule. All class must have at least one Primary Instructor assigned.

Screenshot of Instructors popup in CLSS. The Role dropdown is shown.
Screenshot of Instructors popup in CLSS. The Roster Access dropdown is shown.

To add additional instructors, click the gray + icon above the trashcan.

Screenshot of Instructors popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Add Instructor gray plus icon.

The blue star icons control which instructor will be used by CLSS for detecting potential scheduling conflicts. This feature is not required and does not bridge to DukeHub.

Your department's owned rooms will appear in the dropdown. If you plan to use an owned room, select it from the dropdown. If you need a GA space, select General Assignment Room from the dropdown.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 16 points to the Room Section. The dropdown is open to show the room options, and General Assignment Room is selected.
Room Attributes

When you select General Assignment Room, you will be prompted to add room attributes. You may select up to three room attributes via the dropdown menu. To add an additional attribute, click the green + icon.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Room Attributes pencil icon.
Screenshot of the Room Attributes popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Add Attribute green plus icon.
Screenshot of the Room Attributes popup in CLSS. The dropdown list is open and an arrow points to one of the available attributes.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The selected room attributes now appear under the Room Attributes section.

25Live will try to match all selected attributes, so you may not choose conflicting attributes (for example, West Campus and East Campus). You do not need to list requested attributes in the comments field.

Schedule is used to determine the class meeting pattern. Click the Does Not Meet link to open the Snapper Tool.

Click to jump to:

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 17 points to the Schedule Section, and an arrow points to the Does Not Meet link underneath it.

To add a meeting pattern, select the Patterns dropdown. Select the type of meeting pattern you need to schedule.

  • 150 min-1x/wk - Meets once a week for 150 minutes
  • 50 min-1x/wk - Meets once a week for 50 minutes
  • 50 min-MWF - Meets on MWF for 50 minutes
  • 75 min-1x/wk - Meets once a week for 75 minutes
  • 75 min-MF - Meets on MF for 75 minutes
  • 75 min-MW - Meets on MW for 75 minutes
  • 75 min-TTH - Meets on TTH for 75 minutes
  • 75 min-WF - Meets on WF for 75 minutes
Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Patterns dropdown, which is open to show the meeting pattern options.

Once selected, move your mouse over the Snapper to find the time you want to schedule. As your mouse moves over standard meeting patterns, they will show in gray and you will be able to click on them. Your selected meeting pattern will show in green. The tool also shows when other sections are scheduled. The red lines indicate when the instructor is not available.

Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. The mouse hovers over a meeting pattern, which shows up in gray.
Custom Meeting Pattern

If you are not scheduling a standard meeting pattern, use the freeform Meeting Pattern Name field at the bottom of this dropdown. Enter your custom meeting pattern in the following way:

  • [Day Initial] [Start Time]-[End Time]

Day Initial must be in all caps. Start time and end time must designate either morning or afternoon. Military time is also accepted.

  • TTH 11:15a-1:15p
  • MTWTHF 8a-5p

Click Add, and your meeting pattern will show in green on the Snapper.

Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. The Patterns dropdown is open, and the freeform field at the bottom has the text TTH 11:15a-1:15p in it. The mouse hovers over the Add button.
Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. The meeting pattern TTH 11:15a-1:15p now show in green on the Snapper Tool, showing that it is successfully added. The mouse hovers over the Accept button.
Multiple Meeting Patterns

To add multiple meeting patterns, add the first meeting pattern as described above.

Click the Meetings button, then click the green + button.

Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Meetings button.
Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. The Meetings panel is open, and an arrow points to the green plus icon.

If this meeting pattern required a specific room or custom dates, enter then on the Meeting Details popup, then click Accept.

Screenshot of the Meeting Details popup in CLSS. The Dates dropdown is open to show the Custom dates option.

Click Pattern B, which will say Does Not Meet. Once selected, add a meeting pattern as described above. Click Accept. Both meeting patterns will be listed.

Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. The Meetings panel is open, and an arrow points to the second meeting pattern "B."
Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. The second meeting pattern has now been selected, and an arrow points to the Accept button.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The Schedule Section now has the meeting pattern "TTH 11:15am-1:15pm; M 1:40pm-4:10pm."

To edit these meeting patterns, click the Meetings button again. You can toggle between them, or click the pencil icons to the right to edit the rooms or custom dates.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 18 points to the Enrollment Section, and arrows point to the Enrl Cap and Wait List fields.

Enrl Cap - the total number of students allowed in the class

Wait list - the total number of students who may join the waitlist. Typically, Duke has these two numbers match. Classes that have Instructor or Department Consent Required should not have a waitlist.

Current, Waiting

CLSS shows the number of students currently enrolled and the number of students on the waitlist. These numbers may not be fully up-to-date. For real-time information, check DukeHub.

Cross-listed Enrollment
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. Arrows point to the Enrl Cap and Wait List fields in the Enrollment Section. A third arrow points to the Crosslisted Enrollment section.

The Cross-listed Enrollment section will appear if a class is crosslisted. These numbers should always match the Enrollment numbers.

Notes added here will appear under the Class Notes section of the class on the Schedule of Classes. Notes may include section-specific information like additional required materials or travel information. Course synopses or content information should not be added to Notes.

To add a note, click the pencil icon, then click the green + button. Type your note, then click Accept. Use the trashcan icon to delete a note.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 19 points to the Notes (Visible to Students) section, and an arrow points to the pencil icon next to it.
Screenshot of the Notes (Visible to Students) popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Add Notes green plus icon.
Screenshot of the Notes (Visible to Students) popup in CLSS. The text "Example note." is written in the freeform text field.
Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The note now appears under the Notes section.

Use the Comments to Registrar field to communicate anything you are unable to complete in the form fields. Examples include:

  • Course Request ID # – All special topics courses should have a course request submitted. Include the ID number so the Registrar’s Office can track the request.
  • Reserve cap requests
  • Request for non-owned classroom
  • Paired class requests – provide the information of the paired section
  • Clarify meeting pattern if needed

The text entered stays in CLSS and is seen only by the Class Scheduling Team.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The number 20 points to the Comments to Registrar field, and an arrow points to the text "Example comment."

Rules for Specific Classes

Location, Instruction Mode, and Room must all be set to Online.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. The Location (Duke University (Online)), Instr. Mode (Online), and Room (Online Course(999)) fields are highlighted in yellow.

Coming soon.

Additional CLSS Tips & Features

Use the Expand All and Collapse All buttons at the top of the department homepage to show or hide all scheduled sections at once.

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the Expand All and Collapse All buttons.

In the View By dropdown, choose to sort classes by Course (default), Instructor, Day and Time, or Room. 

Screenshot of CLSS department homepage. An arrow points to the View By dropdown list, which is expanded. Classes are sorted by Room.

The Visualize feature shows all your scheduled sections as a heat map. Hover over the days and times to see how many owned classes are scheduled at that time. Click to view the list of classes scheduled at that time. 

Screenshot of the Visualize popup in CLSS. The mouse hovers over the reddest time period, and a popup says 11.
Screenshot of the Visualize popup in CLSS. The list of classes that meet at that time are shown.

The Filter tool allows you to filter for courses with specific characteristics. CLSS Keywords and Symbol Definitions are available here.

Screenshot of Filter Sections popup in CLSS. The Scheduling Unit field says ARTAHIST.

The Framer Tool should not be used. It can cause errors and schedule classes with incorrect information.

Export CLSS information to a PDF or CSV file. You may customize the CSV fields that are exported. The below settings are recommended.

Screenshot of Export Options popup in CLSS. The following fields are checked: CLSS ID, Class #, Term, Course, Section #, Course Title, Component, Title/Topic, Meetings, Instructor, Room, Status, Session, Custom State Date, Custom End Date, Location, Instr. Mode, Consent, Credit/Unit Min, Credit/Unit, Grading Basis, Room Attributes, Enrl Cap Enrollment, Wait Total, Crosslists, Link To, Comments to Registrar, Notes (Visible to Students).

To access the Room Grid, open a section and open the Snapper Tool. Click on the Rooms button at the bottom of the Snapper Tool. You will see a list of your department's owned rooms, and the classes that are scheduled in them throughout the week. You may use this tool to determine room availability.

Screenshot of Create Section popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Does Not Meet link under the Schedule section.
Screenshot of the Scheduling popup in CLSS. An arrow points to the Rooms button.
Screenshot of the Room Grid popup in CLSS.