DukeHub can only be used for unofficial transcripts by current students and students who have graduated or left Duke within the last year. Duke alumni and former students who no longer have access to DukeHub cannot request unofficial copies of their transcripts. Instead, visit transcripts to learn how to to submit a request for an official transcript.

  1. Navigate to View Unofficial Transcript under the Academics menu and select View Unofficial Transcript
  1. Select the appropriate criteria.
    • Transcript Type: Unofficial  (default)
    • Career: select appropriate career if multiple

Viewing Options

  • View in web browser.
    • Select Expand All for the full comprehensive view.
  • View PDF
    • Your transcript will be generated as a PDF that you can either download and save or print directly from your browser. 


  • It is not advised to use Microsoft Edge to generate an unofficial transcript.
  • You must turn off your browser’s pop-up blocker before generating the PDF. The transcript will be inaccessible otherwise
Screenshot of View Unofficial Transcript page in DukeHub. Arrows point to View Unofficial Transcript link in Academics menu, the Expand All button, and the View PDF button.