Students can select the appropriate number of units to enroll in for a variable credit class when adding the class to the Shopping Cart or enrolling directly from Advanced or Simple Class Search.

  • Conduct an Advanced or Simple Class Search to find your preferred class.
  • Click the upside-down carrot next to the class to review the class details.
  • Select Add to Cart or Enroll (if your registration window is open) for the class.
  • Select the appropriate number of Units in the Enrollment Options box and select Save.
  • Proceed with enrollment.
Screenshot of Advanced Class Search page in DukeHub. Arrow point to the Search button, the Units section, which reads 0.5-6 units, and the Enroll button.
Screenshot of Enrollment options popup in DukeHub. Arrows point to the Units dropdown list and the Save button.



Students can edit the number of units for a variable credit class in the Shopping Cart.

  • Select the Ellipse to display additional actions and select Edit.
  • Select the appropriate number of Units in the Enrollment Options box and select Save.
  • Proceed with enrollment.
Screenshot of Shopping Cart page in DukeHub. The dropdown menu is open and an arrow points to the Edit button.
Screenshot of Enrollment options popup in DukeHub. The Units dropdown list is visible, a permission number is entered, and an arrow points to the Save button.



Students can edit the number of units for a variable credit class after enrollment in the Edit Enrollment section.

  • Select the Edit button to view option.
  • Select the revised number of units to enroll in for the class in the Edit Enrollment box and select Continue.
  • Review the changes in the Confirm Changes box and select Continue.
  • Review the Edit Enrollment Results box and select OK to confirm the class has been updated.
Screenshot of the Edit Enrollment page in DukeHub. An arrow points to the Edit button next to a class.
Screenshot of the Edit Enrollment popup in DukeHub. An arrow points to the Continue button.
Screenshot of Confirm Changes popup in DukeHub. An arrow points to the Continue button.
Screenshot of Edit Enrollment Results popup in DukeHub. An arrow points to the Ok button.