Most courses will fall under a course evaluation timeline that is reflective of their individual end dates indicated in DukeHub. As schools vary in their calendar needs and/course end dates, please review the notes about the general process below to be aware of the process for your course(s). This is an approximated and recommended timeline reflective of the last day of classes for the Fall and Spring semesters. Email notifications will be sent to communicate specific dates. Timelines for early ending courses and summer sessions will be condensed and only include a 1-week course review window.

General Calendar
Course list review for Schools/departments1-2 week window, or combined with departmental custom questions for a total of 3 weeks
Departmental Custom Questions*1-2 week window, or combined with course list review for a total of 3 weeks
Instructor review of courses*overlapping with the last week of the department review window
Instructor Custom Questions*1-2 week window
Course Evaluation window opensat least one week prior to the last day of class
Course Evaluations window closesafter last day of class, as determined by school administrators
Results released to departments and facultyafter the majority of final grades are submitted
Results released to students*within the week before shopping carts open the following term

*These course evaluation processes are optional and elected independently by each school.

Process and General Timeline

Each semester, after the add/drop deadline, the Office of University Assessment imports the course data with instructors and TAs into the Watermark system. Once course data in the system, there are several phases in the course evaluation cycle, depending on project settings determined by school administrators:

  • Departmental windows
    • Course list review. At this time, administrators will be notified of the approximate 2-week window in which courses in Watermark are available for review and editing. School-level or department-level administrators will manage courses, instructors, and TAs within the Watermark platform to ensure evaluations are distributed appropriately.
    • Custom Questions - Departments (optional). Departments will be notified of their window of access to attach custom questions to evaluation(s) for any selection of courses under their purview.
  • Instructor window(s)
    • Instructor review of courses. Instructors in participating projects will be notified of their review window overlapping with departments to view and verify that their courses and any co-instructor or TA assignments are appropriate for the purposes for evaluation.
    • Custom Questions - Instructors (optional). After departmental access for custom questions has closed, instructors will be notified of their window to add custom questions to their evaluation(s).
  • Data Collection. During this time, evaluation surveys will be open, and students will receive reminders throughout the window to complete their evaluations in Watermark. Instructors and administrators will also receive communications during this time to monitor response rates in Watermark.
  • Report Distribution. Reports will be released based on the timeline of individual schools, often in alignment with the submission of grades. Instructors and departments will be notified of reports available in Watermark.
  • SACES. The Student Accessible Course Evaluation System (SACES) is a searchable platform in Watermark for participating schools. The Office of University Assessment will update the database each term before Shopping Carts open. SACES policies are decided independently by each school. Instructors teaching courses under Trinity College, Nicholas School of the Environment, and Pratt School of Engineering will have an opportunity to opt out of sharing results with students. If desired, an opt-out for a particular course must submitted via the SACES selection form by the deadline, which will be communicated with reminders each term. Late requests to opt out will not be approved.