Select from the accordion sections below to see the published questionnaires used by your school.

Results access to users: Administrators (departmental and School-level), instructors, and course facilitators/TAs have access to the results for all questions.

Course Characteristics

The following questions are displayed on a matrix with these response options:

  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Usually
  • Always
  • N/A

The course was well organized.

The course expectations were clearly communicated in the syllabus.

The course provided an appropriate balance between instruction and practice.

The activities/assignments enhanced my learning.

The projects/assignments were clearly connected to the learning outcomes stated in the syllabus.

I received timely feedback on my work.

Please indicate your overall rating of the course.

  • Poor
  • Fair
  • Good
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Please comment on the strengths of the course.

  • [Text response]

Please comment on what would have made the course a better learning experience for you.

  • [Text response]
Instructor Characteristics: [InstructorName]

The following questions are displayed on a matrix with these response options:

  • Strongly disagree
  • Disagree
  • Neither disagree nor agree
  • Agree
  • Strongly Agree

The instructor was prepared for the class.

The instructor explained difficult material clearly.

Overall, the instructor was an effective teacher.

Facilitator Characteristics: [TAName]

The following questions are displayed on a matrix with these response options:

  • Strongly disagree         
  • Disagree          
  • Neither disagree or agree
  • Agree  
  • Strongly agree

The facilitator guided our group in a way that encouraged open discussion.                                                       

The facilitator's communication strategies were effective.                                                         

Overall, the facilitator was an effective teacher.

Please provide any feedback on the facilitator, [TAName].

  • [Text response]

Results access for users: Administrators (departmental and School-level), instructors, and TAs have access to the results for all questions.

Purpose and instructions

The purposes of this survey include the following:

  • to provide your instructor with feedback about the quality of the course;
  • to inform promotion decisions;
  • to assist student's selection of courses; and
  • to help you assess how this course has helped you progress with the learning objectives for the engineering curriculum.

Please make use of the comment boxes provided as faculty find your comments particularly valuable. All of your responses will be kept confidential and will be recorded in aggregate form only.

Your constructive comments and ratings will be helpful to the faculty for improving this course for future students, helpful to the Duke administration for faculty promotion and awarding teaching-based recognitions, and helpful to other students considering enrolling in this course. 
__ I understand the purpose of course evaluations
The goal of evaluations is to help instructors identify which aspects of the course are most effective and which aspects could be productively changed. Please do your best to focus on the course components and learning environment, and avoid superficial comments that are not relevant to the learning environment (for example, comments about the appearance of the instructors or personal attacks are not helpful or appropriate).
__ I will do my best to be constructive
Prior research has identified biases in course evaluations related to instructor gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or other aspects of identity. Keep this in mind when reflecting on your course experience, and do your best to minimize the influence of any particular instructor identities on your evaluation.
___I will do my best to avoid potential biases

When answering questions that refer to "learning," please consider the relevant aspects of learning that are specific to this course (for example, acquisition of skills and methodology, retention of course content, new ways of thinking, or anything else that the course offered).

___I understand.

Overall Appraisal

Give an overall rating for the quality of this course (e.g., content, structure, approach, educational value).

  • Very poor
  • Poor
  • Adequate
  • Good
  • Excellent

Please elaborate on your impressions of the quality of the course.

  • [Text response]

Give an overall rating for quality of the instructor, [InstructorName] (e.g., presentation, knowledge, fairness, responsiveness).

  • Very poor
  • Poor
  • Adequate
  • Good
  • Excellent

Please elaborate on your impressions of the quality of the instructor, [InstructorName].

  • [Text response]

Would you recommend this faculty member, [InstructorName], for a Pratt Teaching Award?

  • Yes
  • No

In a few sentences, please tell us why you believe this faculty member is deserving of an award?

  • [Text response]

How many hours per week, on average, did you spend outside of scheduled class (including labs) on this course?

  • 3-6 hours per week
  • 6-9 hours per week
  • 9-12 hours per week
  • 12-15 hours per week
  • 15+ hours per week

How difficult was this course for you?

  • Very low difficulty
  • Low difficulty
  • Moderate difficulty
  • High difficulty
  • Very high difficulty

What level of critical thinking did this course require?

  • Very low
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

What was your interest level in this course topic at the beginning of the semester?

  • Very low
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

What is your interest level in this course topic now?

  • Very low
  • Low
  • Moderate
  • High
  • Very high

How often did you attend class (either live or asynchronously)?

  • More than 95% of the time
  • 85-95% of the time
  • 75-85% of the time
  • 50-75% of the time
  • 0-50% of the time

What grade do you expect to receive in this class?

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • F
  • Other
Appraisal of Learning

The following questions are displayed on a matrix with these response options:

  • Strongly agree 
  • Agree  
  • Neutral            
  • Disagree          
  • Strongly disagree         
  • N/A

The readings supported the objectives of this course.

The assignments and projects supported the objectives of this course.

The class discussions and/or lectures supported the objectives of this course.

I would recommend this course to future students.

The evaluation method (exams, homework, etc.) matched the objectives and content for the course.

The evaluation method (exams, homework, etc.) for this course was fair.

Open-Ended Questions

What parts of the class were most useful for you? Why?

What parts of the class were least useful for you? Why?

Please add any additional comments or suggestions for improving the learning experience in this course.

Results access to users: Administrators (departmental and School-level), instructors, and TAs have access to the results for all questions. Students have access to results for quantitative questions only (no text response).


Please fill out the evaluation below.

Note that you will be able to submit this form for each class once and only once. Your responses will never be released with any personal information.

Part 1: The following questions are designed to evaluate the instructor.

Knowledge and command of subject matter

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Clarity of presentation

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Effectiveness in responding to questions

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Effectiveness in stimulating interest in subject matter

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Effectiveness in evoking wide participation in classroom dialogue

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Respect for students

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Preparation for each class meeting

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Effectiveness in adding insights to class materials

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Accessibility for out-of-class questions and advice

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Overall effectiveness

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Comment on both the professor’s method of instruction and quality of teaching. Indicate the qualities or characteristics that helped to make this instructor effective or ineffective. Be specific as to strengths or weaknesses, and provide suggestions for improvement.

  • [Text response]
Part 2: The following questions are designed to evaluate the course’s organization and material

Organization of course

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Informativeness of course materials

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Clarity and interest of course materials

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Quality of problems

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Comment on the materials used, the emphasis and organization of the course, and the methods of instruction used, including problems and hypotheticals. Be specific about positive and negative aspects.

  • [Text response]
Part 3: The following questions are designed to determine whether this instructor and the course achieved an appropriate balance

Tolerance of student point of view

  • Far too little
  • Too little
  • About right
  • Too much
  • Far too much

Control of class

  • Far too little
  • Too little
  • About right
  • Too much
  • Far too much

Amount of detail

  • Far too little
  • Too little
  • About right
  • Too much
  • Far too much

Work load given the credit hours

  • Far too little
  • Too little
  • About right
  • Too much
  • Far too much

Pace/speed of coverage

  • Far too little
  • Too little
  • About right
  • Too much
  • Far too much

Please add any comment you wish

  • [Text response]
Part 4: The following questions are designed to provide an overall assessment of the course

Intellectual interest and challenge

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Overall evaluation of course

  • Poor
  • Below average
  • Average
  • Very good
  • Excellent

Comment on the overall strengths and weaknesses of the course, what you enjoyed and what you disliked.

  • [Text response]

How many hours per week, on average, did you spend outside of scheduled class time on this course? (Do not include time you anticipate spending on exam preparation.)

  • 0-3 hours/week
  • 3+ to 5 hours/week
  • 5+ to 9 hours/week
  • More than 9 hours/week
Duke A&S Course Evaluation Proposal Committee on Assessment

This version of the course evaluation form was approved by the A&S Council in fall 2021.

Questionnaire and Access Legend

The table below shows how question results will be shared with different roles within the university. Access to custom questions at the department and instructor level are also included. In order to protect the confidentiality of student responses, results from courses with less than 5 students will be restricted to departmental access only.

Key for user access:

  • F = Faculty
  • D = Department leadership
  • S = Student
  • T = Teaching assistant
  • A = Administration (deans, provost)







Questionnaire Preamble:

Thank you for completing an evaluation. 

Your constructive comments and ratings will be helpful to the faculty for improving this course for future students, helpful to the Duke administration for faculty promotion and awarding teaching-based recognitions, and helpful to other students considering enrolling in this course. 
__ I understand the purpose of course evaluations
The goal of evaluations is to help instructors identify which aspects of the course are most effective and which aspects could be productively changed. Please do your best to focus on the course components and learning environment, and avoid superficial comments that are not relevant to the learning environment (for example, comments about the appearance of the instructors or personal attacks are not helpful or appropriate).
__ I will do my best to be constructive
Prior research has identified biases in course evaluations related to instructor gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or other aspects of identity. Keep this in mind when reflecting on your course experience, and do your best to minimize the influence of any particular instructor identities on your evaluation.
__ I will do my best to avoid potential biases






Your level of engagement with the course was

1-Very low
5-Very high 






What knowledge, methods, skills, insights, or ways of thinking did you develop in this course? Please describe three specific things you learned.

[Text response]






Reflecting on the overall learning environment of this class, in what ways did the instructors and the structure or components of the course facilitate your learning? Are there specific course components or methods of instruction you’d keep for future years?

[Text response]






What might improve the course? Are there specific course components or methods of instruction you’d change for future years? Did anything in particular impede a positive learning environment?

[Text response]






The course was intellectually stimulating. It made me think in new ways, encouraged me to adopt different points of view, or challenged me to develop new skills.

1-Strongly disagree    
3-Neither agree nor disagree    
5-Strongly agree






What made this class stimulating or how could it be more intellectually stimulating if it wasn't?

[Text response]






Considering all components of the course (lectures, discussions, sections/labs, assessments, projects, course environment, etc), overall the course was  

4-Very Good      






Based on the effectiveness of instruction (clarity, expertise, enthusiasm, rigor, support, inspiration, etc), overall the instructor [InstructorName] was

4-Very Good      






__ Click here if you think your instructor, [InstructorName], should be considered for a teaching award.

*Instructor questions repeated when more than one instructor of record.






Based on the effectiveness of instruction (clarity, expertise, enthusiasm, rigor, support, inspiration, etc), overall the teaching assistant [TAName] was

4-Very Good      






In what ways did the teaching assistant facilitate your learning and what might have helped even more? Include any constructive comments you’d like to share with the teaching assistant here.

[Text response]






What would you like to say about this course to a student who is considering taking it in the future?

[Text response]   






The course was difficult.

1-Strongly disagree    
3-Neither agree nor disagree    
5-Strongly agree






How many hours in a typical week did you spend on this course (outside of class meetings)?

2 = 2 hours
through 10 = 10+ hours      






Instructor Custom Questions






Department Custom Questions






NSOE Supplementary DEI Questionnaire

The instructor created a classroom space where I felt comfortable contributing or asking questions.

  • 1-Strongly disagree    
  • 2-Disagree    
  • 3-Neither agree nor disagree    
  • 4-Agree    
  • 5-Strongly agree

The class enabled me to engage with the material in the way I learn best.

  • 1-Strongly disagree    
  • 2-Disagree    
  • 3-Neither agree nor disagree    
  • 4-Agree    
  • 5-Strongly agree

The course materials reflected diverse voices within the field of inquiry.

  • 1-Strongly disagree    
  • 2-Disagree    
  • 3-Neither agree nor disagree    
  • 4-Agree    
  • 5-Strongly agree

What did this course do particularly well in promoting cultural inclusivity?

  • [Text response]

What improvements could be made to this course to better promote cultural inclusivity?

  • [Text response] 

Updated September 2023