The Office of the University Registrar manages the final exam schedule for Trinity College of Arts & Sciences, Pratt School of Engineering, The Graduate School, Nicholas School of the Environment, and Sanford School of Public Policy.

Final exams are scheduled at 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 7:00 PM. Unless otherwise arranged, exams are scheduled in the regularly scheduled classrooms where courses have been meeting throughout the term. Instructors will notify students should the exam be offered in alternative meeting locations.

Undergraduate students having three final examinations that begin and end within a 24-hour time period or two final examinations during the same exam period must complete and submit the Petition to Change Final Examination form. More information is available under Petition to Change a Final Exam Time below.

Upcoming Exam Schedules

The deadline to complete and submit the Petition to Change Final Examination is Friday, November 8 for Fall 2024 exams.

Reading days are:

  • Graduate students - November 27-December 10
  • Undergraduate students - December 7-10

View by: Schedule by Class Time | Schedule by Exam Date/TimeBlock Exams

Exam Schedule by Class Start Time
Classes Beginning OnPeriodClass Start Time BetweenExam DateExam DayExam Time
M, W, or F18:00am-9:30am12/16/24Monday2pm-5pm
M, W, or F210:00am-10:20am12/11/24Wednesday9am-12pm
M, W, or F311:00am-12:30pm12/12/24Thursday2pm-5pm
M, W, or F41:00pm-2:00pm12/14/24Saturday9am-12pm
M, W, or F53:00pm-4:30pm12/16/24Monday9am-12pm
M, W, or F64:40pm-5:15pm12/13/24Friday7pm-10pm
M, W, or F75:30pm-6:30pm12/12/24Thursday7pm-10pm
M, W, or F86:45pm-7:30pm12/15/24Sunday7pm-10pm
Tu or Th18:00am-9:30am12/13/24Friday2pm-5pm
Tu or Th210:00am-10:20am12/13/24Friday9am-12pm
Tu or Th311:00am-12:30pm12/12/24Thursday9am-12pm
Tu or Th41:00pm-2:00pm12/15/24Sunday9am-12pm
Tu or Th53:00pm-4:30pm12/15/24Sunday2pm-5pm
Tu or Th64:40pm-5:15pm12/11/24Wednesday2pm-5pm
Tu or Th75:30pm-6:30pm12/12/24Thursday7pm-10pm
Tu or Th86:45pm-7:30pm12/15/24Sunday7pm-10pm

Exam Schedule by Exam Date/Time
Exam DateDay of WeekExam TimeClasses Beginning OnClass Start Time BetweenPeriod
12/11/24Wednesday9am-12pmM, W, or F10:00am-10:20am2
12/11/24Wednesday2pm-5pmTu or Th4:40pm-5:15pm6
12/11/24Wednesday7pm-10pm  CHEM 101DL
12/12/24Thursday9am-12pmTu or Th11:00am-12:30pm3
12/12/24Thursday2pm-5pmM, W, or F11:00am-12:30pm3
12/12/24Thursday7pm-10pmM, Tu, W, Th, or F5:30pm-6:30pm7
12/13/24Friday9am-12pmTu or Th10:00am-10:20am2
12/13/24Friday2pm-5pmTu or Th8:00am-9:30am1
12/13/24Friday7pm-10pmM, W, or F4:40pm-5:15pm6
12/14/24Saturday9am-12pmM, W, or F1:00pm-2:00pm4
12/14/24Saturday2pm-5pm  MATH 111L, 112L, 122L,
202D, 212, 218D-2, 219,
353, 712, 719, 753
12/14/24Saturday7pm-10pm  Reading Period
12/15/24Sunday9am-12pmTu or Th1:00pm-2:00pm4
12/15/24Sunday2pm-5pmTu or Th3:00pm-4:30pm5
12/15/24Sunday7pm-10pmM, Tu, W, Th, or F6:45pm-7:30pm8
12/16/24Monday9am-12pmM, W, or F3:00pm-4:30pm5
12/16/24Monday2pm-5pmM, W, or F8:00am-9:30am1
12/16/24Monday7pm-10pm  PHYSICS 141L, 152L

Block Exams
ClassesExam DateDay of WeekExam Time
MATH 111L, 112L, 122L, 202D,
212, 218D-2, 219, 353, 712, 719, 753
PHYSICS 141L, 152L12/16/24Monday7pm-10pm
CHEM 101DL12/11/24Wednesday7pm-10pm

The deadline to complete and submit the Petition to Change Final Examination is Wednesday, April 2 for Spring 2025 exams.

Reading days are:

  • Graduate students - April 17 - April 27
  • Undergraduate students - April 24 - April 27

View by: Schedule by Class Time | Schedule by Exam Date/TimeBlock Exams

Exam Schedule by Class Start Time
Classes Beginning OnPeriodClass Start Time BetweenExam DateExam DayExam Time
M, W, or F18:00am-9:30amMay 3Saturday2pm-5pm
M, W, or F210:00am-10:20amApril 28Monday9am-12pm
M, W, or F311:00am-12:30pmApril 30Wednesday2pm-5pm
M, W, or F41:00pm-2:00pmMay 1Thursday2pm-5pm
M, W, or F53:00pm-4:30pmMay 3Saturday7pm-10pm
M, W, or F64:40pm-5:15pmApril 28Monday2pm-5pm
M, W, or F7 and 85:30pm and laterMay 1Thursday7pm-10pm
Tu or Th18:00am-9:30amApril 29Tuesday2pm-5pm
Tu or Th210:00am-10:20amApril 30Wednesday9am-12pm
Tu or Th311:00am-12:30pmApril 29Tuesday9am-12pm
Tu or Th41:00pm-2:00pmMay 2Friday7pm-10pm
Tu or Th53:00pm-4:30pmMay 2Friday2pm-5pm
Tu or Th64:40pm-5:15pmApril 28Monday7pm-10pm
Tu or Th7 and 85:30pm and laterMay 1Thursday7pm-10pm

Exam Schedule by Exam Date/Time
Exam DateDay of WeekExam TimeClasses Beginning OnClass Start Time BetweenPeriod
April 28Monday9am-12pmM, W, or F10:00am-10:20am2
  2pm-5pmM, W, or F4:40pm-5:15pm6
  7pm-10pmTu or Th4:40pm-5:15pm6
April 29Tuesday9am-12pmTu or Th11:00am-12:30pm3
  2pm-5pmTu or Th8:00am-9:30am1
  7pm-10pm  MATH 111L, 112L, 202D, 212, 218D-2, 219, 353, 712, 719, 753
April 30Wednesday9am-12pmTu or Th10:00am-10:20am2
  2pm-5pmM, W, or F11:00am-12:30pm3
  7pm-10pm  Reading Period
May 1Thursday9am-12pm  CHEM 201DL, 202D, 210D
  2pm-5pmM, W, or F1:00pm-2:00pm4
  7pm-10pmM, Tu, W, Th, or F5:30pm and later7 and 8
May 2Friday9am-12pm  PHYSICS 121L, 122DL, 151L, 152L
  2pm-5pmTu or Th3:00pm-4:30pm5
  7pm-10pmTu or Th1:00pm-2:00pm4
May 3Saturday9am-12pm  COMPSCI 101L, 201
  2pm-5pmM, W, or F8:00am-9:30am1
  7pm-10pmM, W, or F3:00pm-4:30pm5

Block Exams
ClassesExam DateDay of WeekExam Time
CHEM 201DL, 202D, 210DMay 1Thursday9am-12pm
COMPSCI 101L, 201May 3Saturday9am-12pm
MATH 111L, 112L, 202D, 212, 218D-2, 219, 353, 712, 719, 753April 29Tuesday7pm-10pm
PHYSICS 121L, 122DL, 151L, 152LMay 2Friday9am-12pm

Final Exam Policies

Undergraduate students having three final examinations that begin and end within a 24-hour time period (any contiguous combination of the 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 7:00 PM exam times) or two final examinations during the same exam period may petition to have one exam changed to another date/time. If one of the exams under consideration is a block exam, the block exam may not be the exam that is changed.

Complete and submit the Petition to Change a Final Examination by the deadline listed for the appropriate term above. The Office of the University Registrar will determine if you are eligible to have an exam changed and confirm that exams are being given in each of the courses that you have listed. Instructors will be contacted in the priority order that you have established to request the rescheduling of the exam. The Office of the University Registrar will contact you via email when an instructor has responded positively to the request. After receiving that email from the Office of the University Registrar, you will be responsible for contacting the instructor to finalize the arrangements for rescheduling the exam.

There is no requirement for any instructor to reschedule an exam. Submission of a petition form does not guarantee that an exam will be changed.

Any student wishing to petition for relief from unauthorized changes in their examination schedule should email

Last Week of Classes

In courses in which final examinations are not scheduled, an exam that substitutes for a final examination may not be given in the last week of classes. Hourly tests may be given in the last week of classes, whether or not a final examination is administered during the exam period.

Reading Days

No non-academic activities (except "study breaks") may be scheduled during reading days. Faculty may schedule non-mandatory class review sessions during reading days but no other class related activities may be scheduled during that period.

Exam Week

The official schedule of final semester examinations for the Graduate School, Nicholas School of the Environment, Pratt School of Engineering, Sanford School of Public Policy and Trinity College of Arts and Sciences is prepared and distributed by the University Schedule Committee. No changes may be made to the examination schedule without the committee's approval. Generally, final examinations are scheduled according to the day and hour at which the course meets during the semester.

No non-exam activities, either academic or non-academic, may be scheduled during the official final exam period, except non-mandatory exam review sessions. These sessions can only be scheduled at the following times:

  • Before 8:30 AM
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
  • 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • After 10:30 PM

In courses in which final examinations are not scheduled, an exam that substitutes for a final examination may not be given in the last week of classes. Hourly tests may be given in the last week of classes, whether or not a final examination is administered during the exam period. Examinations in precepts should be given during the last class meeting. Take Home examinations are due at the exam time designated for the day and period at which the class regularly meets. Examinations in classes which meet one day per week are scheduled according to the schedule below, according to the meeting day and start time of the one day per week class. Examinations in classes that meet two or more periods in one day, or in combination sequence (e.g. MW, MF, TTH), are scheduled according to the first lecture period. No activities can be scheduled during official reading periods.

No change is to be made in the examination schedule without the approval of the university schedule committee.

If you are teaching a class and the exam information in DukeHub is incorrect (either a final exam is not listed but should be, or a final exam is listed but should not be), complete the Final Exam/Classroom Planning form and we will update the information in DukeHub.

All final grades for graduating students must be submitted within 24 hours of the final exam. All other final grades are due within 48 hours of the final exam. For more information on the reporting of grades, refer to Chapter 6 of the Faculty Handbook.