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Academic CareerA Duke Hub term typically indicating the school (e.g., Fuqua School of Business, Sanford School of Public Policy). 
Academic PlanAn instructional program leading toward a bachelor's, master's, doctor's, or professional degree or certificate, or resulting in credits that can be applied to one of these degrees (or non-degree). Sometimes Academic Program may be used for Plan. Academic Plan is a DukeHub term and pertains to the major, minor, or certificate for undergraduate students. 
Academic ProgramAn instructional program leading toward a bachelor's, master's, doctor's, or professional degree or certificate, or resulting in credits that can be applied to one of these degrees. 
Academic YearBegins with the Summer term 2 of one year and ends with the Summer term 1 of the following year (e.g., Summer 2 2018 - Summer 1 2019 is Academic Year 2018-19). 
Active (student)A status referring a student's academic program, specifically, for students who have matriculated (no longer applicants) and are ready either to enroll in a term or to be evaluated for transfer credit. 
Admit TermThe term in which an applicant is to begin a program/plan of study 
Alumni/a/usA former student who completed N number of units at Duke. 
American Indian/ Alaska NativeA person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South and Central America who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment.The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
ApplicantAn individual who submitted an admission application to Duke University and has been notified of their application status and/or has been admitted, not admitted, placed on a wait list or has withdrawn the application. 
AsianA person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand and Vietnam.The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Asynchronous OnlineAsynchronous online instruction mode whereby classes are not assigned a time slot and enable any student to fully participate regardless of time zone or location.

Help guide: Instruction Modes

AuditA student electing to take a course, but does not wish to receive credit for the course toward a degree or other formal award. 
Bachelor's degreeAn award (baccalaureate or equivalent degree, as determined by the Secretary, U.S. Department of Education) that normally requires at least 4, but not more than 5 years, of full-time equivalent college-level work. 
Black/ African AmericanA person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa.The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
Calendar YearThe common twelve-month period (year) that runs January 1 - December 31. 
CampusThe physical campus in the Durham, NC location of Duke University: Central, East, West, Lemur, and Medical. Duke University also includes a Marine Lab campus located in Beaufort, NC. 
Campus residencyDesignates whether student is residing in off-campus housing or on-campus/Duke provided housing. 
Cancelled (student)A status referring to an applicant's academic program, specifically, for those applicants whose admission has been denied, deferred, or withdrawn. 
Careers, Non-Degree (student) Non-degree programs such as Interinstitutional. 
Catalog NumberThe number that is associated to a class, e.g. 103L.Course Catalog
Census dateFourth Friday from the beginning of classes, including day on which classes begin, for regular spring and fall terms. The census date is not considered for summer. 
CertificateA formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program. 
CIP CodeA national standard six-digit code (in the form xx.xxxx) that identifies instructional program specialties across all higher educational institutions. 
CitizenshipU.S. Citizenship status (e.g., U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, Temporary Alien Resident). 
ClassAn individual section of a course, designated by the class number, that is offered in a specific session and term in the schedule of classes. 
Class AttributeA data tag inherited from the course at the catalog level, or manually added to a class at the scheduled class level to assign various attributes to a given class. (See Course Attribute.) 
Class ComponentA class component refers to the type of section a given class is, for example a lecture or lab. 
Class StatusThe status of a class, i.e. active, cancelled, closed, tentative. 
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)A standard numerical and terminological classification system for secondary and postsecondary instructional programs. CIP codes are used by universities nationally to report various instructional program data to the U.S. Department of Education and other government and higher education organizations. The CIP is the accepted federal government statistical standard on instructional program classifications and is used in a variety of education information surveys and databases. 
CohortA specific group of students established for tracking purposes (e.g., Class of 2026). 
Completed (student)A student who graduated from an academic program from the institution. 
Completion TermThe term in which a student graduated or completed their program requirements. 
Continuing (student)A student who is considered currently enrolled at the institution, whether they are active, on leave, or temporarily suspended. 
CourseA curricular offering in a particular topic or subject area. 
Course AttributeA data tag added to a course at the course catalog level to assign various attributes to a given course. 
Course CodeContains the Subject Area and Catalog Number of the designated course. 
Course enrollmentTotal number of students enrolled in each course. 
Course LevelThe number by which a course is designated indicates the level of the course.Course Catalog
Course number5-digit number of a course. Also referred to as a Catalog Number.  
Course titleThe abbreviated or short title of a course. 
Course TopicTopics are used by faculty who wish to teach a very specialized subject on a one-time basis, or to try out a new course that may eventually become a permanent course. Special topics may also be used for specialized courses taught by visiting faculty. 
Credential LevelMaster's, Doctorate, Undeclared, Non-degree, Auditor, Bachelor's, Post Bachelor's. 
Cross-listCross-listed classes are offered under different subject codes on the Schedule of Classes but share the same content matter. For example, ARTHIST 227, Medieval Castles of Europe, is also offered as MEDREN 226. All sections of a cross-listed course meet in the same classroom during the same meeting pattern, as the class content is uniform. 
Cumulative GPAThe cumulative GPA is a calculation of grade points, assigned per grade, for all Duke courses taken in a student’s degree program. (See also GPA.)Grade Point Average (GPA)
DegreeAn award conferred by a Duke University as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of study. 
Degree nameFull name of degree and program awarded. 
Degree typeType of degree awarded, i.e. BS, MA, PhD. 
Degree-seeking studentStudents enrolled in courses for credit and recognized by the institution as seeking a degree, certificate, or other formal award. 
DemographicsInformation about a person, such as ethnicity, sex, address, nationality, religious affiliation, etc. 
DepartmentDepartment of a course, program of study or degree awarded. 
Doctoral degreeHighest award a student can earn for graduate study. The doctor's degree classification includes such degrees as Doctor of Education, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Doctor of Occupational Therapy, Doctor of Nursing Practice and Doctor of Philosophy. 
Domestic (student)A student with U.S. citizenship, including naturalized, or permanent residence in the U.S. 
Enrollment CapacityThe maximum number of students allowed to register for a class section. 
Enrollment TotalThe total number of students who registered for a specific class section (exclusive of cross-listings). 
Ethnic groupA student's self-reported ethnicity based on U.S. Federal categories. Any student (domestic or international) who has self-identified their ethnicity is counted. The categories that you will see on our reports/dashboards include: Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/ Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African-American, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, White, Two or More Races, or Unknown. Non-'Domestic' students (see under Domestic) are counted as "Non-resident" in federal reports. 
Ethnicity detailThe detailed ethnic category associated with the ethnic group. Many ethnicities can be associated with the same ethnic group. A student can have multiple self-selected ethnicities; e.g., a student can select Mediterranean, Assyrian, and Turkish under their general Ethnic group of "White." 
Expected Graduation TermThe term in which a student is expected to graduate or complete their program requirements. Could also be referred to as anticipated completion date. 
FacultyPrimary and Secondary instructor who is assigned to a class and whose name is printed on a class and/or grade roster. 
FERPAFamily Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The policy (1) permits students to inspect their education records, (2) limits disclosure to others of personally-identifiable information from education records without students' prior written consent, and (3) provides students the opportunity to seek correction of their education records where appropriate.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

First-time undergraduateA student attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level. Includes students enrolled in the fall term who attended college for the first time, including those that attended for the first time the prior summer term and those who entered with prior college credits either from test scores or postsecondary work while in high school.IPEDS Glossary
FTEFull Time Equivalent enrollment; a calculation showing how many students would be attending if all were enrolled full time. 
Full-Time Degree StatusLoad status assigned to a student who enrolls in a normal course load (e.g., at least 4.0 course credits in the Undergraduate Schools) each semester.Full-Time and Part-Time Degree Status
GPAA Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated for all undergraduate students, as well as those students in the Fuqua School of Business, the Law School, the Divinity School, and, for students matriculating in Summer 2004 and after, the Graduate School, Engineering Management, and the Sanford School of Public Policy. Graduate School and Engineering Management students who matriculated prior to Summer 2004 do not carry a GPA. 
Graduate studentA student who holds a bachelor's degree or above and is taking courses at the postbaccalaureate or post-masters level. These students may or may not be enrolled in graduate programs. 
Graduation termTerm of degree conferral (e.g. Summer 2011). 
HeadcountTotal number of students enrolled at Duke a particular point in time. 
Hispanic/LatinoA person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. 
Incoming First-Year (student)An undergraduate student who has not attended any college, university, technical or proprietary school after graduation from high school. 
Incoming Grad/Prof (student)A graduate or professional school student who is attending the institution for the first time. 
In-PersonInstruction mode whereby class attendance in the classroom is expected at the scheduled time.Help guide: Instruction Modes
Institution The academic institution under which all schools, courses, students, and other entities belong. 
Instructor nameThe full name of the Primary or Secondary instructor of a course. 
International (student)A category of all students who are not U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents (e.g., green card holders). 
IPEDSThe Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), conducted by the NCES, began in 1986 and involves annual institution-level data collections. All postsecondary institutions that have a Program Participation Agreement with the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE), U.S. Department of Education (throughout IPEDS referred to as "Title IV") are required to report data using a web-based data collection system. 
Leave of AbsenceThe academic status of a student that indicates time off from the institution for personal, medical, or other reasons. 
LoadAcademic load is determined by the total number of units a student is enrolled for in a given semester/term, such as part-time or full-time. Anything less than full-time is included in the part-time status. 
Location (class)The physical location that is assigned on a class (e.g., Durham, Online, Beaufort, etc.). 
Major Program of study, e.g. Computer Science (BS). (See Academic Plan.) 
Major-concentration Concentration within a program of study. 
Master's degreeAn award that requires the successful completion of a program of study beyond the bachelor's degree. 
Meeting patternA specific combination of meeting days and times that is assigned to class section. 
Military statusThe designation to indicate service in the United States armed forces. 
Minor Minor program of study, e.g., History (MIN). 
Mode of InstructionThe manner in which a class component — lecture, discussion, lab, etc. — is delivered in a given semester, e.g., In-Person, Online, Asynchronous Online, Online & On-Campus (Hybrid).Help guide: Instruction Modes
Multi-racialA person who identifies as Not Hispanic with more than one race category. 
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)The statistical agency of the U.S. Department of Education; primary federal provider of education statistics on the condition of American education. 
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific IslanderA person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa or other Pacific Islands. 
Non-degree seeking studentA student enrolled in courses for credit who is not recognized by the institution as seeking a degree or formal award. 
Non-regular termSummer or Winter term. 
Non-Resident AlienA person who is not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. 
Not indicated/unknownThis value is seen across various data categories and refers to the lack of (or null value) data for a specific student data element, which typically is not obligatory. 
OnlineSynchronous online instruction mode whereby class attendance is expected at the scheduled time.Help guide: Instruction Modes
Online & On-Campus (Hybrid)Hybrid classes include both in-person and online components. Both local and remote students can enroll. If the course includes synchronous components, it can require in-person attendance for local students, but it should also provide remote students the means to access the material remotely if there is not an online section.Help guide: Instruction Modes
Other Undergraduate studentA student taking undergraduate level courses but not enrolled in a degree seeking undergraduate program. 
Owning DepartmentPertains to which department owns a given class, is determined by the department itself and may be subject to change upon the department’s request. 
Part-Time Degree StatusLoad status assigned to a student who enrolls in less than a normal course load (e.g., less than 3.0 course credits in the Undergraduate School) each semester. 
Postbaccalaureate certificateAn award that requires completion of an organized program of study beyond the bachelor's. It is designed for persons who have completed a baccalaureate degree, but does not meet the requirements of a master's degree.  
Post-Master's certificateAn award that requires completion of an organized program beyond the master's degree, but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctor's level. 
Primary InstructorThe instructor of record who is ultimately responsible for providing instruction and grading for the class. 
PronounA gender identifier for the third-person singular. 
Race/EthnicityRace and Hispanic ethnicity are now considered separate categories by the federal government and are reported as follows: All persons who identify themselves as Hispanic are reported only in the Hispanic ethnicity category. Individuals who are not Hispanic and report more than one racial background are reported in the Multi-racial, non-Hispanic category. All other individuals who do not claim Hispanic origin, nor multiple races, are classified in the single racial category chosen (Black, White, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, American Indian). 
Regular termSpring and Fall 
Resident AlienA person who is not a citizen or national of the United States but who has been admitted as a legal immigrant for the purpose of obtaining permanent resident alien status. 
SchoolA college (e.g., Trinity College of Arts & Sciences) where students are enrolled in a degree or non-degree program.  
Secondary InstructorThe second instructor of record who supports the primary instructor in providing instruction and grading for the class. There may be multiple secondary instructors assigned to a class, just like there may also be multiple primary. 
SectionA single division of a class, with its own meeting pattern, instructor, and class enrollment. Denoted by the last two or three digits of a class (e.g., “01” in WRITING 101-01). 
SemesterA calendar system that consists of four sessions called semesters during the academic year with about 15 weeks for each semester of instruction. Sessions include fall, spring, summer (1 and 2), and winter. Semester is also referred to as Term. These two elements are used interchangeably. 
Semester GPAThe semester GPA is calculated using the courses taken in the semester in question.Grade Point Average (GPA)
SexThe biological or legal sex of an individual, e.g. Male or Female. Sex is not equal to Gender. (See Gender.) 
Study abroadArrangement by which a student completes part of the college program studying in another country. The instruction can be at a campus abroad or through a cooperative agreement with some other U.S. college or an institution of another country. 
Subject AreaSubject of a course. 
TermA unit of the calendar system during the academic year with about 15 weeks of instruction. Terms at Duke include fall, spring, summer (1 and 2), and winter. Is also referred to as a semester. 
Term TypeFall, Spring, Summer, Winter 
Transfer studentA student transferring to the institution from another college/university. 
Transfer-in studentA student entering the reporting institution for the first time but known to have previously attended a postsecondary institution at the same level (e.g., undergraduate, graduate). This includes new students enrolled in the fall term who transferred into the institution the prior summer term. The student may transfer with or without credit. 
UndergraduateA student enrolled in a four- or five-year bachelor’s degree program, an associate degree program, or a vocational or technical program below the baccalaureate. 
Undergraduate levelBased on terms in residence (e.g., First-year, Sophomore, Junior, Senior for the Undergraduate School). 
Unit (course)For students in undergraduate and Duke Divinity School programs, a course unit is the equivalent of four credit/semester hours. 
UnknownAn unknown value. 
Unknown race and ethnicityThe category used to report persons whose race and ethnicity are not known. 
VariableA fundamental unit of data contained in a file which is given a unique label. 
Veteran statusSee Military Status. 
WhiteA person who identifies as Not Hispanic and White.